Wednesday, May 28, 2003


1) Sleep with him readily on the first day.
2) Don't sleep with him.
3) Nag him to death.
4) Demand trivial things... like he should text you his whereabouts every hour, that kind of thing.
5) Be real creepy... talk about a possible married life with him on the first date.
6) Cough a lot and sneeze a lot on his food.
7) Leave unwanted marks in hs car... stains, scraches, vomit smell, etc.
8) Be more charming with his other guy friends.
9) Be competitive with his girl friends and mother
10) Sleep around while dating him.
11) Badmouth all the guys who have gone through your life (if he's sound of mind, he'd think it logical you'd do the same to him anytime soon)
12) Introduce him to your girl friends who are of more sound, stable mind (and if he's just an average guy, introduce him to your prettier, bustier friends)
13) Steal from him.
14) Make him buy you a lot of stuff.
15) Tell him over and over you're in love with him.
16) Be mushy. Cry w/o cues.
17) Be high maintenance
18) Fake a lot of orgasms... then tell him 3 days after.
19) Shout someone else's name while in the throes of orgasm with him. Or compare his kisses w/ another guy's... preferably someone he knows.
20) During lovemaking.... come up with a really big eggplant and ask him to turn around.

will add other silly stuff.... when i come up with them