Wednesday, April 23, 2003

My attraction/preference over silent, conservative-authoritative types is rearing its ugly head again... I have to keep reminding myself that though such guys pose a challenge for me... I could do away with the hassle of playing the second-guessing game all over again...

I already got hurt big time because of it... why court disaster again, ryt?



I should get a medal and cash award for battling my horniness. Really....

Then again.... it's the sad fate of all those who chose chastity and celibacy, isn't it? Maybe.. I really should reconsider the propositions coming my way.... am sure, some of them could be discreet... and could satisfy me... and could teach me new tricks (wow, just like a dog)... and maybe silence me for awhile....


I am soooooooooooooooooo mainstream-moral. Ugh.