Thursday, April 24, 2003

There is someone I am really missing. I cannot help it, I visit his old blog from time to time... hoping to know what's up with him... whether he's ok.. whether he's mending... whether he's still upset... whether there's a chance for us to be friends again...

I cannot take back what I said. And this time, I know I won't change my mind.

Stupidly though... I am wishing that though I've finally decided to say goodbye to possibilities with him... the friendship did not have to end.

And i'm wondering... how many more alter-egos do I have to lose in the quest for real love... and why are they turning out to be not meant for me?


I'm sure he doesn't know how much I still worry about his happiness. But he's lying to himself and to me if he'd tell me that I AM HIS HAPPINESS. If I was, it wouldn't have been so hard for him to fight for me. It wouldn't have been necessary for him to justify why he... loves me. He'd have just done it...

It's so sad when love stories end. It's sadder when.... good friends have to be given up...